Monday, September 20, 2021

How Structural Monitoring Works


structural monitoring

You understand why structural monitoring is important, but you may not fully understand how it works. That is why we are here. We have provided a quick crash course on automatic monitoring and how it works within your structure.

The key to structural health monitoring lies in the installation of several geotechnical instruments. These sensors can include strain gauges, piezometers, tiltmeters, temperature sensors, pressure cells, load cells, and a variety of other geotechnical equipment that can be used to measure the crucial parameters affecting your structure.

Installed on dams, tunnels, nuclear power plants, monuments, and buildings, these structural health monitoring sensors are able to measure the important parameters in real-time. This data is then sent to data loggers and displayed via computer or mobile device at any remote location. With this information, data loggers are then able to generate early warnings so that any concerned parties can take the appropriate action.

Thanks to all of this technology, buildings and other structures are able to remain safer and sounder. This is important not just for those inside the building but also for those around it since a structural failure could have long-reaching repercussions.

Advantages of Structural Health Monitoring


structural health monitoring

There is no need to second guess it; a building health monitoring system is an absolute must for almost any type of significant structure. Some of the biggest advantages of having a structural health monitoring system attached to your building include:

It provides an early warning to the concerned authorities so that they are able to take action well before there are any injuries or casualties.

It keeps a regular check-up on the health of your structure so that sudden failures can be avoided.

It safeguards human life as well as the loss of property.

It protects all of the surrounding structures in the vicinity as well.

It increases the lifespan of any structure in which it is placed.

It reduces both the long-term and short-term costs related to structural maintenance.

It monitors the safety performance of a building for the life of the structure.

It evaluates the effect of the operation of the structure on various parameters, including strain, stress, water, inclination, pressure, deflection, and water seepage.

It compares the observed data with design assumptions.

It helps in the planning and scheduling of predictive and preventative maintenance programs for the structure.

It provides data to determine the effects of natural calamities—including earthquakes, snowstorms, and flooding—on the structure.

It complies with long-term, reliable data on various elements, including foundations, anchoring systems, and containment structures.

What Structural Monitoring Is


Structural Monitoring

Your building is made up of an intricate system of components that are all working together to ensure the safety and soundness of the structure. From the walls and beams to the trusses and roof, each part needs to be in the best possible condition to ensure the long-term viability of the structure as well as the well-being of anyone—or thing—inside of it. With structural monitoring, you are able to monitor the health of all of these systems if many can’t be seen with the naked eye.

A building monitoring system helps you gather the data you need to develop a clear and accurate picture of the health of your structure. With this information, you are able to identify issues before they become significant problems, pinpoint existing problem areas, and track the progress of any deterioration. The concrete facts and figures provided by structural monitoring make it easier for you to develop a plan to address any shortcomings in the building so that they can be prevented now and in the future.

This automatic monitoring system is designed to work 24/7 so that you are always gathering the data you need. These are essential systems that should be part of every new construction development or retrofit in existing structures. By monitoring a structure, catastrophes can be prevented.